Friday, August 18, 2006

Tips On Freelance and Biz (Corporate) Blogging

Welcome to "Freelance + Biz-Blogging". This site is aimed at bloggers who want to blog freelance for other bloggers, online publishers, and businesses.

As companies gravitate towards using weblogs as a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool, the demand for good bloggers who have copywriting skills will grow. But blogs will be the toughest sort of copywriting. In fact, it's copywriting that doesn't read like copywriting. Which means, in my opinion that good writers without formal copywriting experience are more likely to be what a company really needs. A good blogger/ online writer can learn copywriting skills, tempered with the knowledge that their writing has to have that one-on-one tone that popular blogs have. Copywriters, on the other hand, may have to unlearn some of their skills.

But in general, I think that the future will bring a demand for all types of online writers. So this site hopes to keep you apprised of such things, as well as provide tips on honing your freelance/ biz-blogging skills.